Monday, August 8, 2011

NYC trip

This weekend we took our first long trip to visit daddy. Lucy did very well on the train!  It rocked her to sleep even better than the car :)
We went through Times Square and walked what felt like the entire city over the course of 3 days. Lucy wore her Pentwater hat given to her by Great Grandma Schrumpf to help block the sun. She loved it!
The sights and sounds were pretty stimulating - so when she slept, she crashed pretty hard!
We visited the Museum of Modern Art to get early exposure & appreciation (where we also learned about Herman Miller Eames chairs), we saw a wedding at St Patrick's Cathedral to show her that she won't think about marriage until after 30 yrs old and we ate in restaurants to begin learning etiquette. :) Lots of education this weekend!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Cuddle time

Lucy always gets extra cuddly when her belly is full.  This is what makes the 2 am and 4 am feedings easier! :)
The good news is as of Monday Lucy has made her birth weight she was 8 pounds 15 ounces - she actually gained 7 ounces in 3 days over last weekend! the lactation consultant was most impressed :) and mommy and daddy were absolutely relieved! It has taken a lot of work, but it was totally worth it to make sure she is healthy. we now own a baby scale at home and will be going to the doctors office much less as long as everything continues to progress well. We love you Lucy Jean! 

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Early mornings with mom

After eating is when Lucy is even sweeter and wants to cuddle. It's mom's favorite time of day or night!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Lucille Jean Legere is here!

So today Lucy is 2 weeks old, and we are sort of settling into a routine that allows me to update the blog..briefly! :)
It all started on the evening of June 28.  Marc and I were at his parents' house watching a Phillies game.  Cliff Lee was pitching, going for a record of 32 innings without being scored on and his 4th shutout game of the season.  It was a great game, and somewhere around the 7th inning I started feeling some strange cramping, and noticed that it kept coming back. I started timing these sensations on my own, not wanting to say anything just in case it was a false alarm.  The contractions were all over the place, ranging from 30 seconds to 1 minute 30 seconds in duration with sometimes 4 minutes in between, sometimes 15 minutes.  When the game was over, we celebrated the Phillies' win and then I announced that I thought I was in the beginning stages of labor.  Marc's face was priceless!!  The worst part about the timing of going into labor was that it was now 10:00 p.m. and Marc had been up since 4:30 a.m. to catch a train up to New York.
We headed home and I got into bed, in a Bradley Method side lying position for relaxation.  Marc talked me through the relaxation routines and I did my best to let the contractions come and go without fighting them.  We timed them and they were still as irregular as before. 
After a while I got into the shower and the warm water helped.  However, I had Marc call the midwife and check in.  She didn't think I was in labor, but rather had a virus or was dehydrated....  She told me that the lower abdomen cramping was not contractions and that I should drink fluids.  So after chugging almost a liter of coconut water, I went back into bed.  I dozed off between a long contraction set of 15 minutes and awoke to a wave of nausea.  I ran to the bathroom and threw up.  I returned to the bedroom, and using a few choice words explained that we would be calling the midwife again and that if this weren't labor, we were going to the hospital anyway to get some drugs because I was miserable.  Marc called, the midwife said come on in and I told him to grab the bags.  It was now 2:40 a.m.
Once at the hospital I was hooked up to monitors that verified that I was indeed experiencing contractions.  Thank God!!  Had those not been contractions, I would have opted for a C-Section!!  They were pretty painful!!
The midwife, Claire, checked me and reported that I was 3 cm dilated and fully effaced.  Claire asked me what my pain level was on a scale of 0-10.  I said it was about a 7 or 8 during the contractions.  Based on the irregular schedule, she said I was not in "active labor" and that I should take my 7 and make it a 2!!!!!!!!  YIKES!!  I told Marc I was going to need some serious drugs!!  He reminded me of all of the reasons why I wanted a natural birth.  For the most part I agreed, but was keeping the drug idea in the back of my brain, just in case.  :) 
Claire decided to admit me and we were wheeled into a labor and delivery room.  There I continued experiencing contractions that were not any more regular in duration or time in between.  I labored with Marc by my side from 3:00 - 6:30 a.m.  He was amazing!!  Rubbing my back, talking me through pain,  encouraging me to keep up the work and reminding me that at the end of the pain we would meet our little girl. 
At 6:30 a.m. I felt a strong urge to start pushing.  I informed the nurse of this and she got the midwife.  Claire still didn't think I was ready based on the irregularity of the contractions.  She then did an exam and exclaimed, "you are 9 1.2 almost 10 cm and ready to have a baby!".  Suddenly nurses were rushing around the room preparing and sterilizing.  I was really nervous, was I really ready to push and actually have a baby?!?!  Ready or not, Lucy was coming!
My water had not yet broken, and the midwife said that she would be back in a minute to break it, when POP, it happened on its own.  There was meconium found in her amniotic fluid, which mean she might have it in her lungs.  They called the neonatal specialist in to examine her and vacuum out her lungs once she was born.  That scared me a little bit, but in the end she was fine.
The pushing was painful, I mean really painful!  And it lasted for 2 hours.  The worst really only came at the end, the last 3 rounds of pushing were pretty difficult.  I had heard the term "ring of fire" through friends and childbirth classes, but never really appreciated the term fire, and how much it would burn.  Enough said.
Lucille Jean Legere was born on June 29, at 8:25 a.m.  She weighed 8 pounds 15 ounces, was 21 1/2" long, her head was 14 1/2" around and she had a head of rather long, dark hair!  Her eyes are dark slate blue and her chin and lips are my favorite features on her perfect little face.
She has a very sweet disposition and is quite a cuddle bug!  She cries when she needs something - food, burped, changed - but other than that she is a pretty laid back baby.
Initially she was losing weight and wasn't eating enough.  So we had to see a lactation consultant, Martha, through our pediatrician's office.  Martha has helped us to boost her eating habits and get her on the right track weight wise.  At one point Lucy was down to 8 lbs. 1 oz., however she has fought her way back to 8 lbs. 6 oz. and continues to gain.  She is now a healthy eater, waking to feed during the day every 1 1/2 - 3 hours and during the night sometimes she goes 4 hours between feedings.
Marc and I can't believe the amazing change that has taken place in our lives.  She truly is miraculous!!  Everyone told us, "life will never be the same".  Previously that statement scared us!  We thought that meant no more sleeping and misery.  Now we know that it means no more sleeping but pure joy and love for our daughter.  She has made our lives so much richer in the short time she has been with us.
Miss and love you all!
Sonya, Marc & Lucy

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

40 weeks and waiting

I cannot believe that any day we will have our little girl here.  I keep joking that she is taking after her mom with her timing, late!  :)  I am trying to be patient, but like the skin on belly, I'm wearing a little thin. 

I have an appointment scheduled for Friday, June 24th, for a non-stress test.  They will measure the level of amniotic fluid with an ultrasound and hook me up to some monitoring devices and decide whether or not Baby is happy and healthy in the womb.  If yes, she gets to stay a little longer, if no, we'll talk induction.

So, I bought a couple of swimsuits on-line for a trip to the beach and am now putting them on eBay to sell.  I took a photo in one of them.  Man am I big!!!

I will work on getting a couple of non-bikini shots that include me head!

We will continue to keep everyone posted on any important updates.

Sonya, Marc & Baby Girl Legere

Sunday, June 12, 2011

39 weeks!

39 weeks pregnant already!  Wow, one more week and we have officially hit our due date.  This is the last week of school, too.  Kids and teachers are ready to be done!
We went to our weekly appointment yesterday, and the midwife told Marc and I that I am about 1 cm dilated - which is nothing!  She told me to start taking Evening Primrose supplements and start drinking Red Raspberry Leaf tea - both of which should help to move the pregnancy along a little bit.  So I have started both of those in hopes of not going too far past the due date, June 19, which also happens to be Father's Day.  What a wonderful gift to Marc if she came on that day!
Today we had our last baby shower, hosted by Marla, my mother in law.  It was great!  All of her friends are wonderful, generous women and we had a lot of fun.

We'll keep everyone posted when anything happens!!

Sonya, Marc & Baby Girl Legere

Bare Belly!

I still have somewhat of a belly button  :)

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

37.5 weeks

This is a self portrait, Marc's out of town until Friday night and I'm afraid of forgetting to take another weekly photo. Getting closer!!!! Can't wait to meet this little lady!